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Continuation of photos from the '60, 61, and '62 get-together in May 2008:

Class of '60

Back row: Jeanette Ferguson Madsen, Larry Ferguson, Bonnie Gallup Hennig, Raymond Warren
Front row: Harriet Ball Jones, Sue Farrens Carlson, Dorothy Anderson Wickersham

Class of '61

Back row: Bill Hancock, Jary Morgan, Lee Cooper, Larry Uehling, Joe Butts, Mick Stafford
Sitting: Anita Swanson, Pat Winningham Larsen

Class of '62

Back row: Sherry Rogers Carlson, Jackie Doll Mendoza, Rita Richards Foster, Sue Hancock Fisher, Randy Strobel, Jean Humphry Morgan
Sitting: Lynna Helms Reed, Phyllis Ferguson Richards, Virgie Stillman Bligh

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